Our network within the industry enables us to provide specialist engineers that can work on a wide range of applications and includes air compressor specialists and installers, air distribution specialists and engineers who specialise in oil mist extraction and many other required services.


Refrigeration Network Service Engineers

We have developed a network of fully qualified marine refrigeration service engineers across many major ports around the world. Our network includes locally-based service engineers who can attend your vessels to carry out inspections, compressor overhauls, installation, retrofit conversions and a range of maintenance services such as leak testing and system problem solving.

Our network utilises their combined experience and knowledge working on a variety of vessels from yachts to cruise ships, to deliver high quality services.

Refrigeration Service Flying Squads
By providing top-level, specialised service engineers on a flying squad basis, our specialist refrigeration engineers can troubleshoot major problems and work on all refrigeration and air conditioning plants.

Contact our team +44(0)151 691 6130 / info@flynn-refrigeration.com